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YES! You are entitled to cash money payments via the Government Solar Feed-in-Tariff scheme...
Welcome to we provide professional solar surveys and consultancy to private and commercial clients. Customers choose us because they want to find out what the solar feed in tarif scheme means to them in simple facts and figures. Our surveyors provide factual scheme information in a hassle and pressure free manner.
All our Surveyors have passed Government approved training in accordance with the Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) and are accreddited by the Governments 'Micro-Generation Certificate Scheme' (MCS).
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Everything seems to get more and more expensive yearly but how do energy price rises over the last 8 years compare with other sectors?
Alcohol 31%
Petrol 66%
Water 50%
Book your solar survey now and find out;
1. How much £you can reduce your electricity bills by
2. How much you can earn from 20yr Government Feed-in-Tarif payments.
3. How much you can sell excess power back to the National Grid.
Book your Solar Survey and find out how

Savings and find out how to get cash payments :::
for 20 years+
Solar PV is a great investment for the future; it helps save you from high cost energy bills and protects you against rising fuel prices. It also generates a tax-free income through the government’s feed-in tariff.
Why not discuss booking your survey today?
In England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, you don't need planning permission for most home solar electricity systems, as long as they're below a certain size - but before installation we can check with your local planning officer to confirm if your home is a listed building, in a conservation area or World Heritage Site.
If you are in doubt or if planning is required, we can use an expert team of planning consultants who will give guidance about your solar array and if needed we can seek planning permission on your behalf.

Like most savvy people, I like to fully understand something before committing. A friend at work said I could get a free survey from a nationwide home improvement company but he explained that came with hours and hours of sales pitch. Thanks to solar-survey I got all the info without the 'schpeel'

What is...
The feed-in tariff is a tax-free, inflation-linked subsidy paid to homeowners for generating their own electricity through renewable sources. The scheme was set up by the government to encourage more UK consumers to adopt sustainable ways of generating energy, as part of ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions and secure future energy supplies.
Currently, homeowners and businesses receive 14.38p for every unit of energy their solar panel system produces – whether they use it themselves to power their home, or sell it back to the national grid. An additional 4.77p per unit is paid out for every unit exported back to the grid.
Once your solar panel system has been installed and registered, your feed-in tariff rate is “locked in” for 20 years and will increase in line with the Retail Price Index so you will always enjoy the same great tax-free income you have signed up to.
I called to see how much money solar panels would save on my electricity bill. The survey helped me find out for sure how the Government scheme works, how much I can reduce my bills by and how much money I will receive from the Government.

Want £1000+ every year for twenty years ?
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